
CORBY2 - Virtual Keypad

When you are not comfortable in playing Full-touch Java Games or Apps, Virtual keypad is your rescuer. As you can see in the image, It is composed of eight ( 8 ) boxes with a specific function. The four arrows signals its direction. The two opposite dots function will depend on the game/app. On that image, the left one functions as "Item" and the other one as "Pause". The other buttons function will
also depend on the game/app you are playing.

Advantage of using Virtual Keypad

    Virtual keypad is very helpful especially if a java game has a limited buttons space and when you tried to touch a specific button, the other one will also be touched which can be annoying sometimes. If you are playing an RPG Game, I think the absence of virtual keypads can make the game harder. Virtual keypads can help you move your character properly as well as other game functions. 

Disadvantage of using Virtual Keypad

    When you are using Virtual keypad, the game screen will reduce as virtual keypad will also take a little space. 

How to enable Virtual Keypad in Corby 2

    To enable virtual keypad on a specific game/app, simply go to "Games" and click "Settings". Now click "Use Virtual Keypad" and check the game/app in which you want to use it.


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